We Love PR Firms
PR Firm Representation is Preferred!
99% of the companies we cover have a great PR Firm. So, while other publications are avoiding you, we consider you to be part of the family.
We’ll cover all of your clients!
We focus on relationships. So, once we know you, we’re going to want to cover every one of your clients. And, since we have publications in every industry and city, we can provide excellent coverage!
Self-Service Instant Coverage!
You’re not going to need to follow up to see if we are interested in covering your clients. Once we approve you, we’ll give you a PR account for every client on the publication(s) with the appropiate target market. Then, you can publish your client’s latest immediately and send them the link.
No Online Publishing Knowledge?
No worries! We’ll step you through the simple process of posting content to the network. And, if you’ve posted anything to a blog or social media, you’ll catch on quickly.
Membership accounts are complimentary!
PR Memberships are for editorial purposes. Therefore, we do not charge for them.
Special Coverage
While we do all of the normal types of coverage, we love opening up new avenues. So, if you have an idea, we want to hear it!